As many of you may know, I often make cupcakes or muffins on a Saturday morning to take to work with me. Saturdays can be busy and hectic. I rather like being able to offer customers looking at stoves a coffee and a cake as they browse - it keeps things a little more relaxed for everyone !
This is an older Good Housekeeping recipe that I decided to make and adapt a little today.
It had interesting and mixed results....
I like the concept - but in my opinion although it's ok, it would benefit from a little more tweaking. In their recipe, there was just sprinkles on the top. A glace cherry would look good.
However, I had some end of season Sweet Heart cherries in the fridge. American imported. Beautiful big purpley cherries and unfortunately probably the last fresh cherries I'll buy this year. I decided to dip them into some white candy melt.... Had I had more time, I would have rather used white chocolate.... but 1.1/2 hours to prepare, bake and ice before work really isn't that long to turnaround a batch of cupcakes !
Stupidly, I put these directly on to a baking tray to harden. I should have put them on a silicone baking sheet, as they would have lifted straight off. Unfortunately it was a rather mad rush - and my brain was still in bed :embarassed: I ended up having to knock the cherries off the sheet. Didn't matter so much as the bare bottoms were getting stuck into some icing on top of the cakes anyway !
I decided to use some of our really pretty new muffin / cupcake cases inside a pink silicone bakeware muffin mould. If I'm not icing muffins / cupcakes, I tend just to grease and flour the insides and not bother with paper cases. However for handling and hygiene reasons - I like to use paper baking cake liners when icing.
We've got some really cute paper cake cases in now and loads more designs to come. Current sizes are standard (50mm base diameter) and mini ones to fit our 24 cell mini muffin / cupcake tray molds . We also have a large range of colours in American Jumbo size paper cases in stock - but I've still to get these online.
Recipe - makes 12
6oz self raising flour
6 oz butter
6oz sugar1tsp baking powder
3 eggs
3 oz ground almonds
3 oz glace cherrries - chopped
Cream butter and sugar until pale. Add eggs one at a time and beat to combine. Sift in flour and almonds and baking powder and fold these in (with chopped cherries) using a metal spoon.

Cook in a fan oven at approx 170deg for around 20 minutes
Allow to cool in the silicone mould for about 5 mins before tranferring to a rack to cool totally.
Whilst cooling, prepare the icing.
Beat 50g of butter until pale. To that, I added 1 small tub ready made Ambrosia Devon Custard and icing sugar. Combined with the mixer and beat until pale and desired thickness is achieved.
After icing, I put the newly iced cakes back into the silicone mould so I could put the whole lot in the car to go to work...
The dipped cherry on the top worked. The icing worked. The cake was passable. Next time, I'd use the same recipe as for the financiers instead of the cake batter above.... No sponge cake compares since making friands and financiers !
The purple spotty cupcake cases worked best with the deep purpley cherries.
Sarah-Jane Nash - - silicone bakeware cook shop August 2010